
Immigration law

Whether you’re applying for a visa, a green card, citizenship or facing deportation, our expert immigration attorneys can assist you. We have a proven track record in all areas of immigration law, from helping to reunite families to enabling businesses to compete in an increasingly global marketplace. Consult with a Dozier Miller immigration attorney for an honest, knowledgeable assessment of your immigration options.

The Great Seal of the United States reads “E Pluribus Unum.” It is a Latin phrase that means “out of many, one.” Since its founding, the United States has been a nation of immigrants. We continue to welcome immigrants and visitors, and have many avenues for gaining lawful status in the U.S. It’s critical that citizens of foreign countries understand the complex processes involved with visiting or immigrating to the U.S. so their admission provides all the benefits available.


If you weren’t born in the U.S. or born abroad to U.S. citizens, you must complete the naturalization process to acquire U.S. citizenship. Our citizenship and naturalization team are experts in helping immigrants navigate the complicated forms and applications involved.


There are many routes to acquiring a green card, from having a relative or U.S. employer petition on your behalf to filing for yourself as a refugee or asylum seeker. At Dozier Miller, we will take the time to learn your unique situation and advise you as to the best course of action for you.


One of the reasons people are turned away at ports of entry is an incorrect or invalid visa. It’s absolutely critical to understand what type of visa you need and to ensure your visa is current. Due to the complexities of applying for a visa, an attorney specializing in visas is essential.


It requires an experienced and relentless deportation defense attorney to avoid deportation and find relief from removal. At Dozier Miller, we have decades of experience defending and guiding clients. We will be by your side.


Not matter what field you’re in or how long you plan to stay, all foreign workers must first obtain permission to lawfully work in the U.S. There are several different classes and categories of work permits (or work-related visas), and each class has its own application process and requirements. We’re familiar with them all and can help guide you.

Consult with our immigration experts today. Call 704-280-8201.

Our immigration attorneys

testimonial quote mark

“If it were not for you, I would not have the status of American citizen. Even though it is a long hard road ahead, I would not be able to make that journey without all of your help.”

“She was instrumental in a difficult and emotional divorce and child custody case. She always has a knack of striking the right balance of understanding and compassion while being tenacious and level-headed.”

“He was insightful, knowledgeable of the law, and of human behavior. I believe that is why the settlement I received was 40% more than I had expected.”

“An excellent immigration service job. Excellent communication, attentive and provides clear information and sets clear expectations.”

Law firm blog

  • Witnessing many divorces up close and personal, divorce lawyers are in a unique position to hear their clients’ stories and understand the factors that often lead to separation and divorce. While there are many reasons that can lead to a marital split, here are three of the most common reasons our Charlotte divorce lawyers see time and time again....

  • It is not uncommon for churches and ministers to question whether an employment contract is needed for employment positions within a church. Here are 3 reasons for churches and church leaders to strongly consider having a church law attorney prepare or review an employment contract....

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